Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Picture Crazy

I was trying to find some pictures on my Flickr page and I couldn't find anything. I had a bunch of pictures not in sets, I had no collections and some really old images that I didn't need anymore. I decided to do some Spring Cleaning in Flickr.

For those of you who don't already use flickr.com, you should. You can upload pictures for free, set them into sets and collections, view others pictures, add comments, edit your photos, order photos and more. The basic account is free, but you have a monthly limit for picture you can upload and view. I ended up getting the Pro account which is really cheap and so worth it.

I digress...............

So I spent forever cleaning out and sorting my pics. I came across some random wedding pictures. I hope you enjoy them:

This is a non-pro pic from my wedding in 2006. A little back story; my niece Ella wore fake hair to my wedding. She really wanted it and it actually looked cute. However, it didn't last long...like most nice things in the hands of young children. Somehow my grandpa got a hold of it. He wore it on his head and his chest. It was pretty funny. Too bad my photographers didn't get a picture of it....but that is another story.

Another non-pro wedding picture. Every bride should have a picture of herself trying to go to the bathroom in her wedding dress.

Weird position + fat leg + super white skin = Brianna Trying to get her garters on.

Mean, mean bride. I felt really bad, and then.......begged for my life.

So there are my random pictures for the day.


That Girl said...

I didn't go to the bathroom once in my wedding dress! But I think I was probably severely dehydrated.

BriannaNichole said...

I think a lot of brides are like that. I think I only went twice at my wedding.