The Fill Flash is another way to use the flash on your camera. You would use it when there is a bright light behind the subject or any other time that your subject is in the shadows. You use your regular flash but you put it on a really low setting. I had to play around with mine a bit until I got it right. I will use and example of my couch since I get off too late to get one in the sun.

Here is the image without the flash on.

Here is the same picture with the flash set really low. See how it removed most of the shadows. Again I realize it's not the best example but you get the idea.
I also figured out how to up the sharpness on my photos. They look way better. I took some great examples last night but I cannot post them because they are of the my hubby while he was cleaning the dishes. I didn't think you all wanted to see what my dirty dishes look like. Oh yeah, my hubby cleans the dishes. Is he the best, or what?!
If that was not enough; I installed Lightroom today. Not sure how I am going to use it in conjunction yet, but I'm happy to have it. I was just playing around with it and it is pretty cool. The built in presets work really well. It seems like it would be really good for people who are not quite ready to learn/pay for Photoshop.
Happy Learning,
1 comment:
I love Lightroom. I use it when I don't want to load up Photoshop which used to be such a resource hog on my old computer.
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