So I have never really been into the Biggest Loser TV show. People tell me that it is great and I should totally watch it. Better than the TV show, because now I have the chance to live it.
My work is doing a Biggest Loser contest. I jumped at the chance to participate because it mean that I could eat whatever I wanted over the holidays. That and the fact that the motivation of money will *hopefully* help me.
The first three winners get a percentage of the entry fee, which is $100. There are about 15 people so if I win I get about a grand. I told hubby that I would take him to Vegas for a mini vacation if I win.
Plus, I have been thinking a lot about health. I am getting close to 30 so I really need to start thinking about what I eat. I already have such a bad time with my stomach that I need to be more careful. I DO NOT need another ulcer, thank-you very much! Now I just need to get into meal planning and an exercise routine. Too bad I gave away my really cool exercise DVD. If only someone would get me another one cough*Mom*cough.
So everyone wish me lots and lots of luck. Hopefully this will be the time that I go on a diet and exercise program and actually stick to it. Oh wait, correction not diet....eating healthy. If you say diet all you want to do is eat and eat and eat....uhhhh how is that different from normal life?
Oh and by the way, this blog entry is dedicated to Shelley who reminded me yesterday that it had been three months since I last blogged.
Hug you all,
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Being A Girl Sucks!
So, here it is...2:00 in the morning and I should be peacefully sleeping in my bed or still up and drinking. Is that what I am doing? Noooooooo, I am up because I have cramps! How unfair is life?! Pretty much every girl out there can relate because we have all had that time of the month where for some stupid reason our bodies decide that we should be in pain. So I say, Being a Girl Sucks. Although it could be worse and we could be cursed with having to carry around a back of balls and a penis. I mean sorry for the image but, how uncomfortable is that?!?!?! Ug, I guess I am just a little unbalanced due to my Midol overdose.
So....Hopefully none of you are up right now. You are all peacefully slumbering away in dream-land..............Bitches ;).
What to talk about in a 2:00am blog post? Perhaps my crazy work project that I don't really have time to finish, or the fact that I still have blogging issues? My inability to freaking decorate my own home? Oh how about the fact that hubby said no to a puppy. Not that I can blame him, who really wants extra responsibility?
Why is it so creepy in the middle of the night? I mean, what is difference? Which makes me wonder why is a grown women scared of the dark? I mean if I had to spend the night alone I may just have a panic attack. Oh this post is sooo out there. I will just have to cut my losses and say goodnight now.
Hug you all, well not ALL of you.
So....Hopefully none of you are up right now. You are all peacefully slumbering away in dream-land..............Bitches ;).
What to talk about in a 2:00am blog post? Perhaps my crazy work project that I don't really have time to finish, or the fact that I still have blogging issues? My inability to freaking decorate my own home? Oh how about the fact that hubby said no to a puppy. Not that I can blame him, who really wants extra responsibility?
Why is it so creepy in the middle of the night? I mean, what is difference? Which makes me wonder why is a grown women scared of the dark? I mean if I had to spend the night alone I may just have a panic attack. Oh this post is sooo out there. I will just have to cut my losses and say goodnight now.
Hug you all, well not ALL of you.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Hello, Hello All
Happy Sunday afternoon! I hope everyone is enjoying their day off, unless you don't have Sundays that case sucks for you. I really thought that I would jump back into the blogging game once I posted again, but I am finding it harder and harder to get motivated to post. I guess I am just super boring and I don't have much to talk about. *sigh* I did attempt to hang some pictures in my living room, but I got irritated that they were crooked and I gave up. I think I have just come to realize that I am no good at decorating. I see all these wonderful ideas on HGTV and Bravo but I cannot carry it through to fruition.
I did find time, today, to check out the first episode of Fringe. It was pretty good. I may have to watch the other two as soon as I can pry my hubby away from his computer. Every 10 minutes he disappears into the office so he can check his Fantasy Football or Baseball scores. I so dread when it is 'Sport Season' in my house. At least I can be grateful that Dan isn't into College football. Then we would be tied to the TV on Saturday too. Hockey is not so bad, at least there is only one game a day that he wants to watch.
I did get to see my sister and the kids for a minute yesterday. I cannot believe how old Mason looks. If you have no idea who I am talking about; use the search feature on the top right hand side of the screen.
I just finished an AMAZING Jodi Picoult book this week. Thanks Shelley for letting me borrow it. 'Change of Heart' is the title. It is basically about this guy who kills this little girl and her stepfather. He tells the Mom that he wants to donate his heart to her other girl who is dying. As you can imagine it is a really sad story. Jodi Picoult books are really thought provoking, I just love her. I do have to say that my favorite of her books has got to be 'My Sisters Keeper'. It was the first one I read and still the best. I had a love/hate relationship with the book by the time I got to the end. In fact they are making a movie out of it and Cameron Diaz is in it.
Annnyway, that is my blog for the day. I hope it didn't boor you too much.
I did find time, today, to check out the first episode of Fringe. It was pretty good. I may have to watch the other two as soon as I can pry my hubby away from his computer. Every 10 minutes he disappears into the office so he can check his Fantasy Football or Baseball scores. I so dread when it is 'Sport Season' in my house. At least I can be grateful that Dan isn't into College football. Then we would be tied to the TV on Saturday too. Hockey is not so bad, at least there is only one game a day that he wants to watch.
I did get to see my sister and the kids for a minute yesterday. I cannot believe how old Mason looks. If you have no idea who I am talking about; use the search feature on the top right hand side of the screen.
I just finished an AMAZING Jodi Picoult book this week. Thanks Shelley for letting me borrow it. 'Change of Heart' is the title. It is basically about this guy who kills this little girl and her stepfather. He tells the Mom that he wants to donate his heart to her other girl who is dying. As you can imagine it is a really sad story. Jodi Picoult books are really thought provoking, I just love her. I do have to say that my favorite of her books has got to be 'My Sisters Keeper'. It was the first one I read and still the best. I had a love/hate relationship with the book by the time I got to the end. In fact they are making a movie out of it and Cameron Diaz is in it.
Annnyway, that is my blog for the day. I hope it didn't boor you too much.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Totally Rad Actions and Tutorial
A lot of people out there are talking about how amazing the Boutwells Totally Rad Actions are. In fact, lots of really pricey and talent photographers are self proclaimed users of these actions, like Jessica Claire and the Boutwell's themselves. I have to admit the first time I heard that photographers where using these I thought it was such a cop out. I mean, if you charge 10k for a wedding you should be able to edit your own pictures, right? I think I may have been a little harsh in my judgement. I have come to realize that a lot of photographers use actions like these. I guess it is no different than you taking the pictures and having an editing team do all your editing.
While I feel like it is no big deal to use actions, I am not ready to shell out $150.00 for them, not when I enjoy playing around with Photoshop. In fact, I was playing around with PS when I came across a way to create a similar effect to the Boutwell's Cinnamon Toast and Cinnamon toast B&W. In this blog entry I will show you how to 'warm-up' your picture. If you decide the tutorial is too hard you can always visit the TRA web site and pic up this action. If you don't want to spend the money, I can show you how to set up this tutorial as an action so you don't have to do the steps every time, this effect will just be a click away.
I like to call this effect: Warm it up Ted.
Step 1: Open your image in Photoshop and start recording your action (optional). Window > Tool Presets (make sure it is checked), then select the Actions tab.

Step 2: Name the action and hit the Record button.

Step 3: Duplicate the background layer Ctrl + J and then select the Curves adjustment layer.

Step 4: Select the Red from the Channels drop-down menu and move the curve, in the middle, slightly up.

Step 5: Select the Blue from the Channels drop-down menu and move the curve, in the middle, slightly down. Click on the Ok button to save the settings.

You can play around with steps 4&5 to change the look of the effect. The move you move the curves the stronger the effect will become. If you don't like the look of the effect you can double-click on the curve adjustment layer to change the curve settings.
Step 6: Select Layer 1, open the Layers pallet Ctrl + L, and then put a number between 10-30 in the first box. Make sure the Preview box is checked so you can see the effect it has on your picture.

Click the Stop button when you are finished with the tutorial. This will stop PS from recording and future steps into your action.
Here is our before picture:
And our after picture:

You can add this tutorial to Black and White pictures as well. In the next steps I will show you how to add a black and white adjustment layer so you can see the Warm it up Ted effect on an B&W picture.
Step 7: Select Layer 1 and add a Black & White Adjustment layer.

If you have an older version of PS you may not have this option. In your case select Layer 1, hit Ctrl + U and move the Saturation slider all the way to the left.
Step 8: Use the Preset drop-down to find the effect that you like best, and then click on the Ok button to save your settings.

The picture should look like this now

Picture with the B&W adjustment layer and without the Warm it up Ted filter

To apply your new action to another picture follow the steps below.
Step 9: Open a new photo in Photoshop. Select your new action from the action list and click on the Play button.

Before Color

After Color

Before B&W

After B&W

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and found it helpful. Please feel free to leave me a comment if you have any questions or you want to show some of your examples.
While I feel like it is no big deal to use actions, I am not ready to shell out $150.00 for them, not when I enjoy playing around with Photoshop. In fact, I was playing around with PS when I came across a way to create a similar effect to the Boutwell's Cinnamon Toast and Cinnamon toast B&W. In this blog entry I will show you how to 'warm-up' your picture. If you decide the tutorial is too hard you can always visit the TRA web site and pic up this action. If you don't want to spend the money, I can show you how to set up this tutorial as an action so you don't have to do the steps every time, this effect will just be a click away.
I like to call this effect: Warm it up Ted.
Step 1: Open your image in Photoshop and start recording your action (optional). Window > Tool Presets (make sure it is checked), then select the Actions tab.

Step 2: Name the action and hit the Record button.

Step 3: Duplicate the background layer Ctrl + J and then select the Curves adjustment layer.

Step 4: Select the Red from the Channels drop-down menu and move the curve, in the middle, slightly up.

Step 5: Select the Blue from the Channels drop-down menu and move the curve, in the middle, slightly down. Click on the Ok button to save the settings.

You can play around with steps 4&5 to change the look of the effect. The move you move the curves the stronger the effect will become. If you don't like the look of the effect you can double-click on the curve adjustment layer to change the curve settings.
Step 6: Select Layer 1, open the Layers pallet Ctrl + L, and then put a number between 10-30 in the first box. Make sure the Preview box is checked so you can see the effect it has on your picture.

Click the Stop button when you are finished with the tutorial. This will stop PS from recording and future steps into your action.
Here is our before picture:

And our after picture:

You can add this tutorial to Black and White pictures as well. In the next steps I will show you how to add a black and white adjustment layer so you can see the Warm it up Ted effect on an B&W picture.
Step 7: Select Layer 1 and add a Black & White Adjustment layer.

If you have an older version of PS you may not have this option. In your case select Layer 1, hit Ctrl + U and move the Saturation slider all the way to the left.
Step 8: Use the Preset drop-down to find the effect that you like best, and then click on the Ok button to save your settings.

The picture should look like this now

Picture with the B&W adjustment layer and without the Warm it up Ted filter

To apply your new action to another picture follow the steps below.
Step 9: Open a new photo in Photoshop. Select your new action from the action list and click on the Play button.

Before Color

After Color

Before B&W

After B&W

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and found it helpful. Please feel free to leave me a comment if you have any questions or you want to show some of your examples.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
My Hubby's Picture Rules
So, my hubby is super private. I have been told that I am not allowed to post pictures of him on my blog. In fact, we got in a little tiff when I told him that I was going to post wedding pictures of him. Now I have to get approval from him to post our anniversary pictures online. I just don't know why people care. it's not like I am going to post bad pics of him, or naked pictures ;).
So if you see a bunch of pictures of me you know it is because I cannot post any of him or of us.
So if you see a bunch of pictures of me you know it is because I cannot post any of him or of us.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Our 2nd Wedding Anniversary Trip
Sigh, coming home from a trip always makes me so depressed. I don't know if its the unpacking, the laundry, the fact that I have to go to work tomorrow or all three that makes me so super sad but it never fails.
We had a really nice time on our vacation, if fact parts of it turned out way better than we had expected. We ended up going to Las Vegas and to Big Bear. I know what you are going to say, stange combination right? Well, it really was. Origionally we had just planned on going to Big Bear. We were all set to stay in My Aunt and Uncles cabin. (THANKS UNCLE BILLY & AUNT SUSI!!) However, life got in the way and we needed to head out to Vegas. Our curse turned out to be a blessing because we ended up having a blast in Vegas. What turned out to be a one night stay turned into a two night stay, in fact we would have stayed longer had we had the extra cash.
After worrk on Thursday Dan and I headed out to Vegas. Luckily Dan has a bit of a lead foot so it only took us 3 1/2 hrs instead of 4 1/2. Thursday we took care of our business so we got to play the rest of the night. It was fun just to hang around the hotel and play roulette, poker and varous money sucking machines. I do have to say the one thing that was a let down was the fact that the casino didn't use coins for their machines. Instead they printed you out a little card with your winnings. They did keep the sound of coins, but it was never the less a let down. Thursday night we were having so much fun we promptly booked a room for the next night.
I was really shocked at how nice the rooms were for the price. Here is the view from our room:

Friday we had plans to see the Shark Reef exhibit at the Mandalay Bay. We spent the afternoon walking between the Luxor and the Mandalay Bay. It was such a nice relaxing time.
Some pics from the Luxor and the Mandalay Bay.

Stupid flash

So I am tired of blogging, I'll post more tomorrow.
We had a really nice time on our vacation, if fact parts of it turned out way better than we had expected. We ended up going to Las Vegas and to Big Bear. I know what you are going to say, stange combination right? Well, it really was. Origionally we had just planned on going to Big Bear. We were all set to stay in My Aunt and Uncles cabin. (THANKS UNCLE BILLY & AUNT SUSI!!) However, life got in the way and we needed to head out to Vegas. Our curse turned out to be a blessing because we ended up having a blast in Vegas. What turned out to be a one night stay turned into a two night stay, in fact we would have stayed longer had we had the extra cash.
After worrk on Thursday Dan and I headed out to Vegas. Luckily Dan has a bit of a lead foot so it only took us 3 1/2 hrs instead of 4 1/2. Thursday we took care of our business so we got to play the rest of the night. It was fun just to hang around the hotel and play roulette, poker and varous money sucking machines. I do have to say the one thing that was a let down was the fact that the casino didn't use coins for their machines. Instead they printed you out a little card with your winnings. They did keep the sound of coins, but it was never the less a let down. Thursday night we were having so much fun we promptly booked a room for the next night.
I was really shocked at how nice the rooms were for the price. Here is the view from our room:

Friday we had plans to see the Shark Reef exhibit at the Mandalay Bay. We spent the afternoon walking between the Luxor and the Mandalay Bay. It was such a nice relaxing time.
Some pics from the Luxor and the Mandalay Bay.

Stupid flash

So I am tired of blogging, I'll post more tomorrow.
Monday, September 8, 2008
2 Years Today!!
Happy Anniversary to Dan and I. Today (9/8/08) Dan and celebrate our second wedding anniversary. It is so strange, on one hand I feel like the last two years have flown by, and on the other I cannot imagine what it feels like not to be married.
Year two, for us, has brought new challenges and new joys. I will have to say that it was a lot harder than year one, but I really do feel like the things that we have went through have made us that much stronger.
I know most of my readers have been treated (I use that word loosely) to several posts with wedding pictures, but bear with me cuz you're gettin another one. I wanted to celebrate my anniversary by taking the post to remember our very special day, well it was specail to us.

Ahh my dress and my flowers. Flower Allie did such an amazing job on the flowers. My dress was just gorgeous. Too bad it was suuuuper uncomfortable.

This was my holy crap I'm a bride moment.

Poor Dan was so nervous.

Our Ceremony site was so beautiful.

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.

The ring wouldn't go on.


Weddings over time to sleep ;)

I cannot believe how lucky I am to get to be married to a man like Dan. So to Dan, my husband, I say happy anniversary. You got the prize, but so did I.
Year two, for us, has brought new challenges and new joys. I will have to say that it was a lot harder than year one, but I really do feel like the things that we have went through have made us that much stronger.
I know most of my readers have been treated (I use that word loosely) to several posts with wedding pictures, but bear with me cuz you're gettin another one. I wanted to celebrate my anniversary by taking the post to remember our very special day, well it was specail to us.

Ahh my dress and my flowers. Flower Allie did such an amazing job on the flowers. My dress was just gorgeous. Too bad it was suuuuper uncomfortable.

This was my holy crap I'm a bride moment.

Poor Dan was so nervous.

Our Ceremony site was so beautiful.

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.

The ring wouldn't go on.


Weddings over time to sleep ;)

I cannot believe how lucky I am to get to be married to a man like Dan. So to Dan, my husband, I say happy anniversary. You got the prize, but so did I.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Catching Up With BriannaNichole
*Sigh*, so life has been really busy lately. I got a new job in the spring, moved into a new house in the middle of summer, had some family issues, my second wedding anniversary is tomorrow (9/8/08), my birthday is coming up, I just got back from Vegas and Big Bear..annnnnd I think that is it. I really have been meaning to blog, but honestly I have been too lazy. Plus every time I tried to sit down in front of the computer I had a bunch of other things that I should have been doing.
So, we all caught up? Good on to better things.
FOREVER ago miss lovely APK, her precious little doggies and her darling hubby agreed to let me take some pics of them at a local park. I have been terrible and it has taken me forever to get her the pics. Here are some of my personal favs:

Most of my readers know that I help on some weddings for the LOVELY and VERY talented Jennifer Johnson of OCs Finest Weddings. Since I got my new camera I have started capturing some detail shots of weddings. You can check out some of my recent photos Here and Here (at the bottom of the post).
If you are looking for a wedding coordinator I highly suggest OCs Finest. Jennifer coordinated my wedding and I could not have been happier.
So I will post about my trip later, for now I have to unpack. I hope you enjoyed my update and I promise not to wait so long in between blogs!
So, we all caught up? Good on to better things.
FOREVER ago miss lovely APK, her precious little doggies and her darling hubby agreed to let me take some pics of them at a local park. I have been terrible and it has taken me forever to get her the pics. Here are some of my personal favs:

Most of my readers know that I help on some weddings for the LOVELY and VERY talented Jennifer Johnson of OCs Finest Weddings. Since I got my new camera I have started capturing some detail shots of weddings. You can check out some of my recent photos Here and Here (at the bottom of the post).
If you are looking for a wedding coordinator I highly suggest OCs Finest. Jennifer coordinated my wedding and I could not have been happier.
So I will post about my trip later, for now I have to unpack. I hope you enjoyed my update and I promise not to wait so long in between blogs!
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