I found the funniest video with Justin Chon from the Twilight movies. You may know his as Eric, Bella's lovable but unwanted human friend. The O'Doyle rules kills me.
Is it November yet?
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
And Yet More Hair Posts
So in the grand tradition of posts like My Hair is not Fabulous, More Hair Stuff and And Yet More Hair Stuff I am doing yet another post on my hair. It is that time again to succumb to my hair ADD and change my style, again. This seems to be a trend with me, all this cutting and growing and cutting and growing. It is becoming a cycle that repeats every few years.
I'm sure you don't need me to expand on the reasons for cutting my hair, so I will list them simply and succinctly:
1. Takes to long to dry/style
2. Season is getting warmer and my hair is not helping me stay cool
3. No volume, even when it has layers it has no volume
And probably the biggest reason for the change....
4. Boredom
So now it's time to start thinking about and researching new styles that I want to try. I'm thinking maybe shoulder length this time so as not to go too short. I think I want to get some bangs back in there too.
Maybe getting the fringe bangs back like this:

Or some heavy straight across ones:

What sort of crazy hairstyle/hair color would you love to sport but are too afraid to?
BTW I swear I will post more. Hugs,
I'm sure you don't need me to expand on the reasons for cutting my hair, so I will list them simply and succinctly:
1. Takes to long to dry/style
2. Season is getting warmer and my hair is not helping me stay cool
3. No volume, even when it has layers it has no volume
And probably the biggest reason for the change....
4. Boredom
So now it's time to start thinking about and researching new styles that I want to try. I'm thinking maybe shoulder length this time so as not to go too short. I think I want to get some bangs back in there too.
Maybe getting the fringe bangs back like this:

Or some heavy straight across ones:

What sort of crazy hairstyle/hair color would you love to sport but are too afraid to?
BTW I swear I will post more. Hugs,
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Guess Who Is Coming To Visit??
I'll give you one good guess on who is coming to visit in the OC?

No, it's not my Mom..........
It's Shell-Bell and the fam. Woop. I cannot wait.

Sunday, February 27, 2011
My Rainless Weekend, How They Were Intended To Be
Last weekend we had a crazy ass storm, yes that is the technical term, and it blew a tree down on our house. Super scary! It broke a few tiles but other than that there was no damage. These are the times that I am actually glad we rent instead of own. I wasn't able to get a great shot of the tree, but it was about 25ft long. Yikes!
This weekend was blessedly rain free. I feel slightly jipped since we were promised two full days of rain. The hubs and I were going to take advantage of the clear skies but we got lazy(enter shocked sounds here). Not much to tell other than work being crazy and anticipating a trip from the Coles.
That is about it, I promise I will have a better blog next time. Although, did you notice the new header I cranked out? That has got to be worth something. I mean it pretty much sapped all my creative energy and left none for the actual blog content.
Hugs and Whatnot,
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Happy Birthday Nelli

Yesterday was my my sisters bday. She turned 29. One year closer to joining the 30's club. She is in good company, since Shell and I are already there.
BTW, in case you were wondering I am still trying to figure out this whole foundation thing, and I still love my iPod.
Just in case you were worried.
Smooches Brianna!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Ode to My New Ipod Touch
Oh iPod Touch how I love thee, let me count the ways;
- You are small enough to fit into my pocket or purse, yet big enough for me to watch videos on
- You let me listen to all my favorite music and podcasts, making the workday and drive so much quicker
- You let me read all my favorite books and fanfiction so I no longer have to carry around paperbacks.
So maybe I should stop this post since Dan says I am embarrassing him. I really do love my new iPod Touch and Dan by extension, since he is the one who got it for me. It is just my new favorite toy. It let's me do everything that the iPhone does, including making skype calls and accessing the Internet w/ WiFi.
Now go out and get yourselves one today.
The Great Makeup Search: 2011
So, I know some of you were wondering if I was even still alive. Contrary to the lack of blog updates, I am still alive and well. I thought I might give a little update of what has been happening with me since in the past few months, but I feel I need to tackle a much more important topic. One that is near and dear to all of us. Yes, you are correct I am talking about Makeup. More specifically about my search for the perfect foundation.
It all started a few years back when MAC did the unthinkable, they discontinued my FAVORITE foundation. Oh they told me that mixing the Strobe Creme with another liquid foundation would give me the same result, but that was just a dirty lie.
I tried making due with the other MAC liquid foundations without ever finding one that I loved as much as the Hypereal. First the color was wrong, its finish wasn't the same and it wasn't my foundation that I came to know and love.
About a year ago I found the wonder that is Bare Minerals. It took me a little to adjust to using just powder, but once I did I fell in love. She never sat in my wrinkles, she had a beautiful finish and she lasted all day! Best part was the lack of little black makeup brush hairs that my liquid had left behind. Was this it, my new makeup home? It really felt to good to be true and it was.
The makeup gods conspired against me, once more. As soon as I would start to sweat the Bare Minerals would cause my face to itch. Apparently this is due to a nasty little component called Ismuth Oxychloride, or so the Internet tells me.
It was back to the makeup drawing board for me. My in-depth research has yielded yet another option. I like to call it my hybrid-foundation-mineral solution. My solution consists of:
- MAC's Prep & Prime Skin Base Visage - To shellac the skin and hopefully not let anything settle into my wrinkles. Got to be safe now I'm 30.
- MAC's Pro Longwear Foundation - To keep the bare minerals from touching any actual skin.
- MAC's Pro Longwear Concealer - Gotta get rid of the bags yo.
- Bare Minerals Fair Powder - To get the smooth powder look and hide any imperfections.
- Bare Minerals Hydrating Mineral Veil - Just cuz I didn't have enough makeup on before.
The I top it all up with a crap-load of bronzer, blush and eye makeup, just because that is how I roll. Hopefully this will be the trick and I will not have to continue on my search for more makeup.
So for all you out there who have been wondering how I have been fairing these past few months, this post if for you.
Love you all,
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