Saturday, May 17, 2008

Last Day of Work

So after 7 years at the same company, I have finally decided to move on to another job. It is both scary and a little bitter-sweet. The was my first 'real' job. I really got the chance to meet a bunch of great people. In fact I though one was so great that I married him. I will really miss getting to work with my hubby, but I think it will really be good for us to not see each other every minute of the day.

The best things about my new job; I am only 10 minutes away from my house, more responsibility, better opportunity for pay.....annnnd the week that I have off in-between jobs. Since my last day was on Friday, I have been having a blast just hanging out. Sunday night I hung out with my Mom and spend the night at her place (Dad is out of town). Yesterday my sister and I went to the pool with her kids, at lunch and then went to see Narnia. I still had time to clean up around the house and hang out with my hubby when he got home from work. I would totally get used to not having to work. Although I might get kind bored if I was home all the time. I would need to take up some hobbies, maybe even start working out more...or drinking ;.

I am super excited for my new job to start, hopefully it will be good for me.



Nanette said...

Congrats on the new job!

R said...

Congratulations on the new job! Both exciting and scary. :)

Shelley said...

Thats awesome bri. We are so proud of you. Its hard to quit such a familiar job, but will be best in the end.

That Girl said...

Someone needs to email me deets. I'm not naming names or pointing any fingers.....